Over 75 million youth are unemployed today, despite a demand for skilled workers. Millions of students enter the job market every year, armed with degrees, often from prestigious schools across the world. Yet employers struggle to find candidates with the right skills, and existing upskilling programmes are failing.
Instead of a one-shoe-fits-all approach adopted by most upskilling programmes, Adaptiv focuses on each individual and suggests a personalized career plan based on the person’s education, life goals, skills, learning agility and personality traits, combined with big data insights on market trends and the job market.
Each user’s skill profile is created based on a series of tests to evaluate their competency in the durable skills required to succeed in the new economy. In addition to creating the learner’s skills profile, the Adaptiv platform also evaluates the candidate’s personality traits, using psychometric tests developed by experts:
💪 Director, a goal-oriented person, most likely to be found leading people.
🤔 Thinker, a detail-oriented and logical person, most likely to be found in the innovation lab!
👍 Supporter, a task-oriented person, who excels in roles related to administration and support.
🙌 Socialiser, the out-going member of the team, who excels in sales and public relations.
Research indicates that only 15% of the global workforce has a high learning agility score, even though it is one of the most important skills sought by employers.
The ability to learn from new experiences, and constantly update one’s knowledge is a key component of success in the post-COVID world. This is why Adaptiv assesses each user’s learning agility, to help identify the most suitable path for her, based on their learner profile. A learner with high learning agility can be oriented towards a high skill career. On the other hand someone with a low learning agility will be recommended middle skill jobs.
The arrival of Industry 4.0 has led to rapid disruption in technology, which in turn has led to high demand for a continuous update of the qualifications, skills and knowledge of the workforce in order to create a highly qualified, multi-skilled labor force that can handle all the technological progress.
What are these skills, and how can we ensure create a future-ready workforce with the right skills set?
We believe that Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences also applies to skills. According to Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences everyone has varying degrees of proficiency across eight intelligences (Linguistic, Logical/Mathematical, Spatial, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Musical, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, and Naturalist). By that very logic, everyone has at least some degree of proficiency in the different skills required to succeed in the new economy. A person can have excellent business and communication skills, but average digital skills. Or be an extremely agile learner who can think creatively and has excellent digital skills, but subpar skills in communication.
The Adaptiv platform tests every candidate’s skill proficiency and suggests an upskilling path that ensures a blending of skills with a more well-rounded skills portfolio at the end. Our quizzes test each learner’s capability and help identify gaps in the basic skills required in the future, irrespective of the domain:
- Communication skills for the new economy based on the principles of remote work.
- Creative Thinking, and the ability to brainstorm and come up with innovative solutions for problems in the post-COVID world.
- Critical Thinking Skills like complex reasoning and problem solving which are only taught in STEM, even though they are required in most roles in the new economy.
- Digital Skills required to succeed in 80% of the jobs — understanding and practice of basic No-Code tools and platforms used across industries.
This allows learners to understand their strengths and weaknesses, and work on filling the skill gap. Finally, a personalised career path is created by the Adaptiv AI, based on all the inputs provided by the users and big data insights about the future of work, allowing them to acquire the necessary future-ready skills and achieve their professional goals.